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to those in need.

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Family at Bridgeport Clinic

With good health, anything is possible

For people affected by poverty or disaster, health is essential to a better future. With good health, they can attend school, be productive at work, care for their families and contribute to strong communities. Poor health puts all of those opportunities at risk. Health is fundamental to all aspects of development.

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Our donors and partners help our health programs, medicines and supplies reach our neighbors in need in more than 90 countries including the United States each year. Read & share the stories. Sign up below to get periodic updates and alerts.


Americares Blog


It’s unrelenting: The deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor are unjust and horrifying. And these are only three of the names in this year’s most prominent headlines.

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2 tons of supplies in distribution center ready for COVID response

COVID-19 Global Pandemic

Americares is providing protective supplies along with other critical support and resources for frontline health workers and health centers. Share the latest updates, get the facts and save lives.

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Nursing assistant taking blood pressure of patient at an Americares clinic in Colombia

Health Crisis at Colombia/Venezuela Border

Americares has set up clinics in towns near the Colombia border or where Venezuelans have settled to meet the critical primary health care needs of migrants fleeing the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and now managing the new threat from COVID-19. Read the latest update on the crisis.

2023 Health At the Center Americares Virtual Summit

On May 7, 2023 Americares hosted the Health At the Center Americares Virtual Summit. Our guests explored how highly adaptable people and organizations recognize change, assess evolving demands and modify their actions to fit new circumstances. Hosted by CNN Anchor and National Correspondent Erica Hill. Watch the Summit videos

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Kindred has launched this t-shirt in support of the vital work of Americares. Proceeds from every sale will support Americares response to the COVID-19 pandemic and other critical health care needs in the United States and around the world. We want to thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity, together we can make a huge difference. This Pandemic hits the most vulnerable the hardest. The need is great. Visit kindred.co, get a super t-shirt and support our work today!

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